Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Group Dynamic Response Exercise

After today's project reading discussion (my group's discussion regarded "Borderless Cuisine" The Diet of Neoliberalism." of The Red Critique) my head felt a little heavier with all these new thoughts which I would like to arrange; what better place than on my very own blog?

I think the video about the International Seed Bank that prefaced this daily activity was noteworthy. The video definitely strengthened my motivation to cultivate available land to produce sustenance free of carbon footprints. I was also finding myself drawing an immediate mental parallel between Guerilla farming and the activist Seeds of Resistance from Ruth Ozeki's book "All over Creation." I like the rebellious spirit generated by modern-day activism; especially since it benefits all of us in one way or another.

This spirit seems to be escalating as new research is only affirming claims stating the sad fact of self-destruction the human race is facing. Although it is "sad, but true" the unification accompanied by working together and solving the problem collectively is refreshing. In a world of road rage and short-fused patience, I am amazed that there is a palpable effort. Although the video featuring a GMO Trilogy clip was slightly disheartening with the fact that something like 95% of scientists are working primarily with the ulterior corporate motive rather than to explore the genetic boundaries of crop diversity based on the need for self-preservation. However, "progress is progress." Right? The selfishness of humanity is a double edged sword; fueling both the desire of occupation and self-preservation simultaneously.

I also found it interesting to attempt to define a nation. As there was no concrete basis, at first I was a little overwhelmed with the challenge. However, the more I thought about it, the more ridiculous the concept felt. What is a nation other than an excuse to divide people from other people. To separate, discriminate, and compete against. And for what?

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